Eliminating allergenic foods from the diet can heal various diseases. Many people are allergic to some aliment, and neither they nor their doctors are aware of this. Increasing the absorption of allergenic foods can increase mental and / or physical symptoms (headache, dermatitis, colitis, depression, obesity, etc).
When we set up a diet, food selection is a mere act of luck, a risky bet that may work for many but not for others, resuming the mentioned symptoms.
The main nutritional problems are not the deficiencies of individual amino acids, vitamins, but sub-clinical deficiencies or allergies involve many vague symptoms. There’s no doubt that a sick person has something wrong, but often we are not able to explain what it is.
Symptoms appear very clear only when it is too late and the disease increases merciless.
Dr Graziano Cadinu
Biologist Nutritionist
For appointment:
Mob +39 346 21 88 292
E-mail graziano.cadinu@bioenergiasardegna.net – cadinu.graziano@tiscali.it